
Warranty Procedure

All products sold Turkey Pool below the falls importer and / or is under the guarantee of the manufacturer for repair or warranty replacement process that is carried out by the company and its service. Products in the product details of the warranty period specified.

All voltage electrical products, damages, appropriate cross-section made ​​of wiring, electrical damage and reverse running pumps, dry running and so on. the faults in the reasons covered under the warranty.

Digital command panel and digital devices (such as external control panel with sauna heaters, steam generators and so on. Products) should not be installed by qualified technical personnel, warranty does not cover damages due to minerals in the water.

Certificate accompanying the bill, or if you keep the product warranty (warranty certificate valid instead of the invoice).

Defective product, invoice and / or warranty card, along with how to contact our company with a copy of the repair can be covered under warranty.

Warranty does not cover damages due to limescale in steam systems. Other than authorized service person / persons opts intervention product warranty.

In the absence of user-supplied defective products repaired 3 times for the same problem, the problem can not be rectified after the defective product can be changed with a new one.

The user shall be returned to the defective product. Ulaştırdığınız time to repair the product by us, service / repair, our services varies depending on the duration.

*** All of our products are ISO-9001 and CE certified according to the type of material is within 2 to 5 years of warranty.

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